
After posting about Prakriti and Purusha and how it pertains to and individuals hatha practice, I realized that I refrained quite a bit from taking a “you should” stance in an effort to not sound too preachey.  Since the realization of the natures of reality is important in liberation, the […]

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A Yogi is someone expreiences the transcendental and combines the transcendental experience with the emperical. What we experience as transcendental may not necesserialy seem logical or fitting against the backdrop of an emperical reality. The combination of transcendental knowledge and emperical knowledge compose a philosophy that can be practiced. The […]

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The Dynamics of Purusha and Prakriti in Hatha Practice Sāmkhya philosophy regards the universe as consisting of two realities: Purusha (consciousness) and Prakriti (phenomenal realm of matter). Many yogis know this as Shiva/Shakti or Chit and Ananda. Prakriti can pertain to an individual personally, if you will, or one can have a […]

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